Homepage Alkoholizem Viktor Sosnora

Alkoholizem Viktor Sosnora

July 1974 | Olga Berggolts, Natalya Gorbanevskaya, Gleb Gorbovsky, Aleksandr Kushner, German Plisetsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Viktor Sosnora, Yevgeny .

število bolnikov z alkoholizmom v Franciji

2019. ápr. 29. Az észak-mexikói Sonora állam főügyészi hivatala vasárnap hozta nyilvánosságra a furcsa esetet. A férfi, akit családon belüli erőszak miatt .

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Oct 13, 1988 Introductory Note: The life of the poet Viktor Aleksandrovich Sosnora has been one of continual risk. When he was a year and a half, in 1938, .
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Victor Aleksandrovich Sosnora is a Russian poet, writer and playwright. He is considered one of the most important representatives of the Leningrad .
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Oct 28, 2010 Mexico Sonora Seri (n=34), Proceedings of the 13th International (n=155), Susana M. Soto, Cinthia C. Ortowski , Victor A. Flores, _2010.

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